November 6th, 2024
by Morgan Bunker
by Morgan Bunker
Planning HUMC’s Future-The Legacy Continues
Haymount United Methodist Church is so fortunate that members have planned for the future in several ways over the years. One such way is with endowments. One or more of the sixteen current endowments may ‘ring special’ to you. The Finance Director and/or Endowment Committee members can provide more information. This month the committee is highlighting the first two endowments established for HUMC.
Our First Endowment: Did you know Marlin Stewart? If not, let me share:
Marlin was a quiet, soft spoken (usually), friendly, kind (always) man; one who was committed to and faithful to his HUMC. He and his beloved wife Elizabeth raised a grandson ‘in the way he should go’, involving him in children and youth activities at HUMC. They shared a love and devotion for all children. Marlin once stated, ‘I want to know every child born, baptized and ‘here’ by name.’ He set out to do that and spent much time meeting parents and their children. He loved the Preschool and Sunday School – would often stand in the hallways so that children would run up to him for those cherished hugs. Mr. Marlin was special to so many of them.
When HUMC purchased the little white house behind the church, Marlin worked tirelessly to make it usable and special for our kids. He consistently spent time at the church fixing things and/or looking for things to fix. He continually supported activities, programs and classes for our children and youth, generally by being involved with our teachers and leaders. What fun to see him help with the set design for children/youth programs in his later years. You could say he was a ‘sidekick’ for Karen and Tony Argo. He was involved in mission projects and provided assistance with local Habitat houses.
He was a dear friend to many and there was a special bond with Mary Helen and Swayn Hamlet, in part because Mary Helen was ‘the face’ of HUMC for so many years and always available when he needed information about ‘what project is next’. The bond with his buddy Swayn was strengthened more after Elizabeth’s passing and the Sunday lunch after church was a cherished time for Marlin.
In December 1987, Marlin Stewart initiated our Endowment program with a planned gift of $2000 in his will. His stated purpose for “The Marlin Stewart Scholarship Endowment” was to provide ongoing financial assistance for preschool opportunities for needy children or camper scholarships for disadvantaged children and youth. Over the years, this Fund has provided over $47,000 in assistance for underprivileged children through the HUMC Preschool, Camp Rockfish and Cumberland County Partnership for Children. What a gift that keeps on giving! Gifts to this Endowment continue to assist needy children and youth.
Marlin loved and cherished his Haymount Family and the feelings were mutual. As Mary Helen recently shared “he was EVER PRESENT spreading love and joy”. How appropriate the final hymn at Marlin’s funeral service was “When the Saints Go Marching In”.
Marlin was a quiet, soft spoken (usually), friendly, kind (always) man; one who was committed to and faithful to his HUMC. He and his beloved wife Elizabeth raised a grandson ‘in the way he should go’, involving him in children and youth activities at HUMC. They shared a love and devotion for all children. Marlin once stated, ‘I want to know every child born, baptized and ‘here’ by name.’ He set out to do that and spent much time meeting parents and their children. He loved the Preschool and Sunday School – would often stand in the hallways so that children would run up to him for those cherished hugs. Mr. Marlin was special to so many of them.
When HUMC purchased the little white house behind the church, Marlin worked tirelessly to make it usable and special for our kids. He consistently spent time at the church fixing things and/or looking for things to fix. He continually supported activities, programs and classes for our children and youth, generally by being involved with our teachers and leaders. What fun to see him help with the set design for children/youth programs in his later years. You could say he was a ‘sidekick’ for Karen and Tony Argo. He was involved in mission projects and provided assistance with local Habitat houses.
He was a dear friend to many and there was a special bond with Mary Helen and Swayn Hamlet, in part because Mary Helen was ‘the face’ of HUMC for so many years and always available when he needed information about ‘what project is next’. The bond with his buddy Swayn was strengthened more after Elizabeth’s passing and the Sunday lunch after church was a cherished time for Marlin.
In December 1987, Marlin Stewart initiated our Endowment program with a planned gift of $2000 in his will. His stated purpose for “The Marlin Stewart Scholarship Endowment” was to provide ongoing financial assistance for preschool opportunities for needy children or camper scholarships for disadvantaged children and youth. Over the years, this Fund has provided over $47,000 in assistance for underprivileged children through the HUMC Preschool, Camp Rockfish and Cumberland County Partnership for Children. What a gift that keeps on giving! Gifts to this Endowment continue to assist needy children and youth.
Marlin loved and cherished his Haymount Family and the feelings were mutual. As Mary Helen recently shared “he was EVER PRESENT spreading love and joy”. How appropriate the final hymn at Marlin’s funeral service was “When the Saints Go Marching In”.
Our Second Endowment: How HUMC Endowment Was Started and Blesses our Church: In 1988, our Trustees decided endowments would be a good approach to planning for future financial needs of Haymount United Methodist Church. With one Endowment established (thanks to Marlin Stewart) and review of the current year financials complete, the decision was made to establish a general endowment (named the HUMC Endowment) with an initial deposit of $10,000 with the United Methodist Foundation (UMF). The net income was to be reinvested for growth of the fund until such time as the Administrative Body of the church thought income was sufficient to allow a percentage to be disbursed for special needs of the church. Over the years, other endowments were established for specific purposes, the Administrative Board became the Church Council, numerous projects and programs developed and the church continued to grow, as did the funds at the UMF. The HUMC Endowment funds are to be used for special needs or ministries of the church; no routine/budgetary items. Contributions to this Endowment are accepted any time, and on a routine schedule undesignated honorariums and memorials are transferred to this Endowment Fund. Gifts received and not designated for a six-month period after receipt are transferred there. In 2015, the Endowment Committee and Church Council started the Mission Endowment with $10,000 of the accumulated HMUC Endowment interest. Annual distributions then began in 2022 and to date these total approximately $17,000 disbursed to the Church Council for use for “special needs” of the church. We all know that budgets are put together with the best information available at the time of preparation. Then those unexpected needs or new ministry opportunities present. How blessed we are with additional resources available to our Church Council to share where they can best be used – one example is our new website. How A Legacy Continues . . . by Leonard Sweet, a well-known Methodist minister and scholar: If you live a legacy life, and create a legacy that extends far beyond your own life, you will impact future generations in ways you may never witness: You will plant fruit trees whose harvest you'll never taste. You will start projects that outlive your patronage. You will sow seeds of change in fields beyond your sight. You will build bridges to shores you'll never reach. You will light beacons for voyagers yet unborn. You will pen stories whose endings others will write. Your echoes will ripple through time's unseen waters, beyond the shores of uncharted tomorrows. Submitted by Lynda Clark, Endowment Committee |
Morgan Bunker
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