August 24th, 2024
by Allen Bingham
by Allen Bingham
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Posted in Back to school
Allen Bingham
Church Office Closed-Monday, February 17
February 4th, 2025
Beyond The Flames-How to Help California After Wildfires
February 4th, 2025
Church Office Closed Friday, January 10, 2025
January 9th, 2025
Alex Batdorff's Celebration of Life
January 6th, 2025
Dr. John Bergland Obituary
December 17th, 2024
Introducing the Wesley Prayer ChallengeWesley Prayer Challenge, Day 1: "I AM ..."Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 2: “… NO LONGER MY OWN …”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 3: “… BUT THINE.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 4: “PUT ME TO WHAT THOU WILT …”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 5: “… RANK ME WITH WHOM THOU WILT.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 6: “PUT ME TO DOING, …”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 7: “… PUT ME TO SUFFERING.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 8: “LET ME BE EMPLOYED BY THEE OR LAID ASIDE FOR THEE, …”What is CRESP?Haymount Kids July 2024Pastor's Column July 2024Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 9: “… EXALTED FOR THEE OR BROUGHT LOW FOR THEE.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 10: “Let Me Be Full, …”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 11: “… LET ME BE EMPTY.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 12: “LET ME HAVE ALL THINGS, …”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 13: “… LET ME HAVE NOTHING.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 14: “I FREELY AND HEARTEDLY YIELD ALL THINGS TO THY PLEASURE AND DISPOSAL.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 15: “AND NOW, O GLORIOUS AND BLESSED GOD, …”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 16: “… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, …”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 17: “… THOU ART MINE, AND I AM THINE.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 18: “SO BE IT.”End of year report for 2023The DiapasonWesley Prayer Challenge, Day 19: “AND THE COVENANT WHICH I HAVE MADE ON EARTH, …”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 20: “… LET IT BE RATIFIED IN HEAVEN.”Wesley Prayer Challenge, Day 21: “AMEN.”
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