December 2nd, 2024
by Morgan Bunker
by Morgan Bunker
N.T. Wright Advent Video Series: Week 1
During this season of Advent we will be following along with N.T Wright and his YouTube video series entitled: "Being People of Advent Hope".
We encourage you to find a time weekly to listen to these short videos, and center your heart on the word of God as we walk through this Advent season.
Jesus quotes Isaiah 61:1-2 during what many people see as the very start of his ministry, the Nazareth Manifesto. What can his choice tell us about Jesus's mission, and our mission as Jesus's followers? For one, it reminds us that the Advent hope is a trinitarian hope. God sends Jesus as the servant figure, equipped with God's spirit, to bring about the promised restoration and healing. Jesus extends this vocation to the church, as we ourselves are equipped with God's spirit and enabled to be people of Advent hope. How can you bring a hopeful light to dark places this Advent season?
We encourage you to find a time weekly to listen to these short videos, and center your heart on the word of God as we walk through this Advent season.
Jesus quotes Isaiah 61:1-2 during what many people see as the very start of his ministry, the Nazareth Manifesto. What can his choice tell us about Jesus's mission, and our mission as Jesus's followers? For one, it reminds us that the Advent hope is a trinitarian hope. God sends Jesus as the servant figure, equipped with God's spirit, to bring about the promised restoration and healing. Jesus extends this vocation to the church, as we ourselves are equipped with God's spirit and enabled to be people of Advent hope. How can you bring a hopeful light to dark places this Advent season?
Be sure to check back weekly, for more from N.T. Wright.
Morgan Bunker
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