Allen Bingham
Lead Pastor
Allen follows Jesus accompanied by his wife Cindy, daughter Ann, and son William. Allen is an engineer by training (BS from NC State University) and pastor by calling (MDiv from Drew University). He is an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church and member of the North Carolina Conference. Allen served churches in Henderson, Swansboro, Nashville, Pinehurst, Kinston, and Rockingham before being appointed to serve among the saints and sinners of Haymount.

Donald Warren
Type your new text here.

Rachel Madsen
Director of Children and Family Ministries

Jessica Scott
Director of Youth Ministries

Wes Lockfaw
Director of Traditional Worship & Organist
Katie Powers
Director of Contemporary Worship

Jay Berry
Audio / Visual Tech Director
Jay is responsible for the church’s audio/visual technology during worship and other church events. As a child of clergy, Jay grew up in the United Methodist Church and has worked in the church for most of their adult life. Jay is a graduate of Methodist University with a degree in Music Composition and resides in Dunn with their partner, Kit, two dogs, and three cats.

Nicole Andre
Director of Finance

Amy Dean
Office Assistant
Amy was raised in Fayetteville and grew up in the Haymount United Methodist Church family. She is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill. Amy and her husband, Jerry, were married at Haymount, and they have two children, Curtis and Elizabeth. After living in Raleigh for 16 years, their family returned to Fayetteville and Haymount in 2003.

Morgan Bunker
Communications Coordinator
Morgan is a native of Columbia, South Carolina and a graduate of The University of South Carolina. Morgan and her husband Colin, along with their daughter Maya, moved to Fayetteville in 2021. The Bunkers love to enjoy the great outdoors, and can often be found hiking, swimming, or exploring new areas.

Katherine Pugh
Care Team Leader
Katherine Pugh is a Fayetteville native. Phil and Katherine have 2 daughters and 4 granddaughters. She is an enthusiastic Tar Heel fan! She enjoys connecting people with each other and watching God knit hearts together.

Karen Barkman
Director of Special Projects
Born in Massachusetts and raised in the Midwest, Karen has lived in Fayetteville and belonged to Haymount since 1976. She graduated from Purdue with a BA in English and a Masters in Education. Karen is married to Dave, a veterinarian, and they have three sons, one daughter, and eight grandchildren, two cats and a dog.

Marilynn Winters
Stephen Ministry Point of Contact

Anna Bruner
Lead Custodian