Keeping the Beacon of Hope Lighted

Facilities Update from Rev. Donald Warren

Did you know that cathedrals were built in the Middle Ages to be signs of inspiration and hope? Rising from an agrarian landscape, cathedrals towered above people and buildings in towns and villages, presenting a vision of the glory and majesty of God portrayed through beauty in architecture and art. People were invited into these marvelous buildings lit by torches and candles to see colorful depictions of Bible stories told in intricate stained glass, and inspiring images of the saints of old in stone carvings and statuary. Incense provided a heavenly aroma that covered the ordinary scents of living in farms and villages.
Haymount UMC is built in the style of a gothic cathedral, with soaring stone architecture and stained glass telling those same stories. Clear glass windows from our spaces of learning allow us to look out into the world we are called to save and serve. This building is designed to be a beacon of hope in our community and our world.
Our building, as beautiful and inspiring as it is, shows wear and tear over time, as all cathedrals do. Our stained-glass windows are covered with protective panes that have discolored and turned yellow and gray through the years. The mortar in the stonework that forms our walls is decaying after decades of weathering storms and changes in temperature. The windows through which we look out into God’s beautifully created world are aging and crumbling.
Will you help us care for this magnificent building that God has entrusted to us for the work that we are called to do? In the coming months, we will be sharing more about the needs of our building, and about our plans to set funds aside for needs that will arise in the future. You can make a contribution to our current needs by giving a gift to “Building Maintenance,” or to our future needs by giving to “Building Endowments.” Maybe you’d like to “adopt a window” and contribute $300 or $500 or $1,000 towards the replacement of one of the 66 windows that need to be replaced right now. There are so many ways you can help, and every dollar you give will be appreciated and put to work in caring for the building we call Haymount Church! May God's majestic glory shine forth from this wonderful treasure of a building we have!

- Rev. Donald Warren

Morgan Bunker

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